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It’s not an accident. It’s on purpose
5-min read Purpose makes you work when others slumber into just one more episode of Netflix and keep trying when success shimmies and...

Monoculture: feared enemy of bananas and organizations alike
7-min read Every single banana is genetically identical. This characteristic is called monoculture and makes the fruit vulnerable to...

To live is to slowly be born
5-min read This guy! Beautiful outlook. Inspiring quest. Unintentional leader. Meet Jagjit! When I was 16 years old I saw La Dolce Vita,...

Candor Part 2
2-min read, life long reflection Balancing care with candor is a life long process that takes practice. At times you might feel super...

Introducing our friend, Kim
We met Kim at a networking event hosted by the Regina Public Library. She inspired us with her vulnerability and courage! Now she’ll do...

The man and his mind
5-min read Strange and impressive associations rise in the mind of a father who kneels to make eye contact with his young son. Before...

Purpose! What’s VUCA got to do with it?
4 MINUTE READ Heard of VUCA? Or maybe VUCA has been part of your personal and professional journey? VUCA is everywhere! For example, not...

Let's get real: a three part series on candor
4 MINUTE READ Part 1: What is authenticity? If you’ve ever taken any training in social styles or leadership development, you’re probably...

Be Humanly
4-MINUTE READ Sometimes OK GO’s, The One Moment, gets stuck on repeat in my head. You know that hook – it's just so damn catchy: And this...

Take Your Team to the Next Level with These 3 Keys
8-minute read “Your culture is your brand.” “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” “Your people are your competitive advantage.” “To win...
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