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Purpose! What’s VUCA got to do with it?


Heard of VUCA?

Or maybe VUCA has been part of your personal and professional journey?

VUCA is everywhere! For example, not a moment or day goes by without some headline or Twitter feed that signals to us that we live within environments that are Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous!

As we put on the VUCA glasses, consciously or not, it has a way of slowing or stopping us in our tracks, especially when our intentions are to live on purpose. Unfortunately, the VUCA lens we see the world through has a way of keeping us small, perhaps afraid.

VUCA has come to describe much about our current realities be it personally, organizationally and globally, and its most often framed up in this way:

  • Volatile – the nature, speed, volume, magnitude and dynamics of changes have been amped up.

  • Uncertainty – the lack of predictability of issues and events and the prospect of surprise has accelerated.

  • Complexity – the forces, issues and confusion that surrounds us as citizens, employees, owners has deepened.

  • Ambiguity – the haziness of reality and the mixed meanings of conditions has twisted itself into a swampy mud pit, unsure of which way to go next.

Left unchecked, VUCA can be the nemesis of our purpose, blocking us from igniting and sustaining the change we want, the change we need. If we continue to see the world through a lens of VUCA, we can find ourselves retreating, holding back, not getting to the best of what we have to offer for ourselves and others.

What if we turned this notion of VUCA upside down. What would that offer? What barriers and resistance that we often self-impose on ourselves and in our organizations can be lifted to allow for flow and momentum to be the new normal?

In place of observing through the lens of Volatile, we can see through the eyes of Stability. Uncertainty becomes Certainty. Complexity gives way to Simplicity. Ambiguity, the enemy of movement, turns into Clarity. What would this change? How would SCSC change our perception? How would it enhance relationships with your colleagues, your family and perhaps even your community?

At TREEO we work with organizations and individuals facing change.

Much of our passion is about enabling individuals and organizations to manage change, whether it’s anticipated or not. We find creative solutions that help teams express how they feel about change and extract their individual purpose in search of meaningful goals, our approach allows people to develop a greater understanding of how they can collaborate more effectively and to bring about increased contributions to those they are in service of.

From our partnering work we’ve seen organizations and their people embrace change, quickly and more effectively. We’ve seen individuals uncover and unstick where their purpose has been forgotten or hidden away, allowing them to release it into the world.

VUCA or SCSC? Which lens are you putting on today? Which frame will help you create or contribute to your purpose, your reason for being?

We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line at to learn more about how dispelling VUCA can bring about the change you desire for yourself, or for your people.

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